Saturday, July 31, 2010

America engaging the world via my blog

While reviewing the ads placed on my Blog I came across: " engaging the world". Assuming this was a scam I was about to block it, but found it is from the U.S. Department of State:
"This site delivers information about current U.S. foreign policy and about American life and culture. It is produced by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs. "
I have had aircraft carriers advertised on my site before (Australia bought two), but never anything as large as a country. ;-)

2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report

The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report was released today. It happens that I was at the APCOA conference on emergency communications, speaking on the use of the Internet in bushfires, during the fires (I was contacted by the royal commission staff ). The commission has done a reasonable job of considering the use of the Internet and many of the interim recommendations have been implemented already.

The commission has released the report in three formats: Interactive version (HTML with hyperlinks to evidence), Print friendly version (PDF with lower resolution images), High resolution version (PDF version used for the print edition). The report is divided into four sections, with a HTML and two PDF versions for each. Unfortunately the commission has not provided a simple way to navigate the report, with no consolidated table of contents linked to the sections of the report. The most useful version is HTML, so I have created a consolidated table of contents for that version:

2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report

Consolidated table of contents

National Library Trove is a Treasure

The National Library of Australia provide Pandora: an archive of Australian web sites. This is a much more selective collection than the Internet Archive, but there are items in Pandora not in the Internet Archive. In particular, items from Australian government bodies which they would rather people forget about tend to not be in the Internet Archive but are in Pandora (thus justifying the name). The contents of Pandora are included in Trove, which also searches Australian library records and other cultural holdings.

An example of a website an organisation whanted to forget was that for the Sydney Olympic Games. The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) for that the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games ("SOCOG") had engaged in unlawful conduct by providing a web site which was to a significant extent inaccessible to the blind and $20,000 damages were awarded. After the games, SOCOG deleted the web site. However, there are copies in Pandora, which I was able to use for teaching web design at the Australian National University and to help the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2008 Olympics with the web design.

Today I was updating the notes for my Green Technology Strategies course. After the collapse of the Australaian Government's proposals for a carbon trading scheme the website of the Department of Climate Change was "updated" making many of the documents hard to find. I could not find the External Audit Consultation Paper on the site at all, but I found it in Pandora, using Trove.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Using Video to Relate Research to Service Teaching

Professor Les Kirkup (UTS) talked on "New Perspectives on Service Teaching" at the Australian National University in Canberra today. He related his work on how to make service teaching of physics to life sciences students. His work with video I found very useful, but the remainder of the presentation seemed to be stating the obvious: courses should be designed around to what the student is learning to do.

As an ALTC Fellow, Professor Kirkup observed what actually happened in the classroom, rather than just reading the course description. The aim was to see how service teaching courses could fit with the degree program the student was studying at UTS.

Labs were also identified as an issue. A framework was developed for creating a laboratory program. This first trialled experiments, had a review by independent experts, trial by demonstrators and finally try with students.

I had difficulty understanding how much of what Professor Kirkup was describing was an area for research, was new or novel. When I am asked to design a course I am required to start from the requirements of the discipline it is for, usually based on a formal document issued by the relevant professional body. I then have to look at typical tasks the professional carries out in practice and then design learning materials based on these. There then has to be assessment which demonstrates the link between the learning materials and the skills the professional is required to have. I find it hard to believe that course designers would not be required to do this in credible educational institutions. But perhaps if Professor Kirkup needs to explain the process in such detail it is not as common as I had assumed.

Professor Kirkup described a process of designing experiments relevant to the student's future work. This also seemed to me to be stating the obvious. The course designer would obviously work top-down, stating from what the professional is being trained to do and turning that into something suitable for a student at the level they at. If teaching aeronautical engineers, the experiments would then relate to aeronautics, if teaching medical students, the experiments would relate to medicine. To do anything else would seem to be a waste of resources and be unlikely to pass the course design review process.

One aspect of the presentation which was useful was the idea of inspiring undergraduates with research. teaching research nexus One idea is to use "personal response" by using professionally prepared interviews with researchers. A two step process was used, with an audio interview first. This was used to gauge the value of the interview and also train the researcher in how to give an interview. A five minute video interview was then conducted. To encourage researchers to participate, versions of the interviews are made public to promote the research. This sounds a good approach: audio is much cheaper and easier to make than video. The videos are not simply entertainment for the students, they are given assessable questions to answer based on the video.

One issue is that video is expensive to make (about $1,000 per minute). The solution to this might be to have the video funded by the university marketing department, but have the content designed to suit education.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Google Talk on Wave and Go in Canberra

Greetings from the hi-tech engineering lecture theatre at the Australian National University in Canberra. Pamela Fox from Google Sydney is talking about Google Wave. Later Nigel Tao talked on "Go Programming Language". James McGill was advertised as talking on "Designing for the Mobile Web" but Pamela is talking instead (I teach mobile web design at ANU). I have pressed the "record" button on the lectern and there should be a podcast of the presentation later (assuming I pressed the correct button).

Google Wave is a technology I have tried hard to understand. It offers a combination of the features of email, SMS and web publishing. However, it is a complex concept to understand with a complex implementation and currently with limited interfaces. One of the concepts behind Wave is operational transformation and conversation model. These are based on the same XML format underlying many electronic documents and may be useful for creating more flexible documents, even where these do not involve an email type conversation. Google did not use HTML for tie "Blip Documents" as the syntax is not suitable for the transformations to be performed.

Nigel Tao (an ANU graduate and Google employee) talked on "Go Programming Language". Google developed the Go programming language for large scale applications running on multiprocessor machines, as used by Google for their search system. Go is similar to C, but design to compile quickly. The language is still under development. Go implements Unix style pipes, with "goroutines" and "channels". This allows easy implementation of parallel computation, as used by Google to support of very large numbers of applications simultaneously

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Translating Learning Outcomes in e-learning

Greetings from the Australian National University "Wattle Wednesday Seminar" where Lauren Kane is talking about "Translating Learning Outcomes in Moodle". This was a recap of the presentation given at Moodle Moot Au 2010, a few weeks ago.

Lauren described a four step process:
  1. Select an outcome for the course.
  2. Identify the characteristics of the outcome.
  3. Using the online instrument, identify Moodle resource/activity or associated technology which supports the development of these characteristics.
  4. Develop the Moodle activity/resource to satisfy the outcome.
What stuck me about this and the previous presentation wast that these are highly structured processes. These would be natural for engineers and computer scientists who are teaching. But it may feel a little rigid for those in the humanities. However, as a computer programmer, I would like to have even more structure, with a set of course templates to select from and then customise. As an example, I used a course in IT Service Management as the template for a course in Green IT Strategies.
We present an approach to course delivery informed by Biggs' constructive alignment theory. Constructive alignment requires that the teacher aligns the planned learning activities with the learning outcomes (Houghton, Warren, 2004).

It is generally quite difficult to translate learning outcomes into an effective course design using tools provided by a Learning Management System (LMS). This is further compounded by the difference between the language of learning outcomes and that used by an LMS.

Within our College we've identified the need for a process that provides a link between the pedagogy and the implementation in Moodle. To do this we have developed online instruments that help teachers link Moodle activities to learning outcomes.

We believe this not only enables teachers to leverage educational technologies to the maximum extent but also to effectively deliver a quality course that meets its identified goals and intents.

Houghton, Warren (2004) Engineering Subject Centre Guide: Learning and Teaching Theory for Engineering Academics. Loughborough: HEA Engineering Subject Centre. Accessed 30th June 2010 from:

From: "Translating Learning Outcomes in Moodle", Srinivas Chemboli, Lauren Kane, Lynette Johns-Boast, ANU, for Moodle Moot Au 2010

Gathering Students Views of Teaching and Learning

Greetings from the Australian National University "Wattle Wednesday Seminar" where Salman Durrani is talking about using course entry and exit surveys for the university's Moodle learning management system (locatlly called "Wattle"). Salman described his use of "Gathering Students' Views of Teaching and Learning" and how he used it to select, adapt and interpret questions in student surveys. The idea is to conduct regular surveys within a ", which is a booklet and toolkit by Malcolm G. Pettigrove and Robin Collins. This provides a set of questions to ask students to see how engaged they feel and between courses to see changes. It might be useful to combine this with the approach which Colin Beer (Central Queensland University) has taken with analyis of engagement indicators in the Learning Management System. Also one of the seminar participatnts recommended "Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher" (Stephen Brookfield,
The evaluation of teaching and learning is a critical component of closing the loop in the teaching and learning cycle and for improving the quality of teaching and learning. This presentation will illustrate how Wattle has been used in the second year electronics course (previously ENGN2211 and presently ENGN2218) to collect feedback from students in the form of course entry and course exit surveys. It will discuss the motivation behind the surveys and highlight wattle features that have been utilised. Finally, the case study results from last four years exploring how students evaluated their practical electronic skills will be presented and discussed. ...

From: "Wattle Wednesday Seminar", ANU, 28 July 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Google Talk on Mobile Web in Canberra

James McGill from Google will talk on "Designing for the Mobile Web" (along with Nigel Tao on "Go Programming Language") at the Australian National University in Canberra, 29 June 2010. By the way I teach mobile web design at ANU.

Google ANU campus tech talk

Nigel Tao, James McGill (Google)


DATE: 2010-07-29
TIME: 12:00:00 - 14:00:00
LOCATION: Engineering Lecture Theatre

The Go Programming Language presented by Nigel Tao, Software Engineer. Go is a compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language developed by Google Inc. Go was officially announced in November 2009, with implementations released for the Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

Designing for the Mobile Web presented by James McGill, Software Engineer. Rich (Javascript) web applications face a challenge in remaining performant when accessed on mobile devices, such as Android or iPhone handsets. This talk includes a discussion of the challenges facing mobile web developers, and covers various methods for increasing mobile web application performance, based on the experiences of the Google Maps API team in designing version 3 of the Google Maps API.

Who: This talk is of interest to the entire school, students (UGrad, PGrad) & faculty alike.

To attend: To help us anticipate numbers, please register your interest at

Where: Engineering Lecture Theatre - Building 32

When: Thursday 29th July, 2010, 12 - 2pm Tech talk will be one hour followed by pizza social.

Many thanks

The Google Australia University Programs team
To attend: To help us anticipate numbers, please register your interest at

Monday, July 26, 2010

Future of the Internet in Australia

I will be speaking on "Future of the Internet in Australia" at the Australian National University, 29 July 2010. Registration is not required and the talk is free, but you can RSVP via Facebook to help the organisers guage numbers and join in the online discussion.
The Political Academy ANU
Topic: Future of the Internet in Australia
Speaker: Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU School of Computer Science
Time: Thursday 29 July 2010, 6:00pm
Location: College of Business and Economics (Building 26C), the Australian National University, Canberra

Abstract: The Internet is increasingly a part of business, education, entertainment and government. But what can we do about the negative aspects of objectionable and criminal activities online? Everyone wants free access to information, but worries about how this may adversely effect another group: children and others at risk. Tom Worthington argues that perfect Internet regulation is not politically or technically feasible and that education is the answer.

Uniquely, Tom Worthington was selected to explain what the Internet was to the Australian Senate. For this and other work he was elected a fellow Australian Computer Society. Tom teaches green ICT and web ethics at the ANU and was invited to China to advise on how to put the Beijing Olympics on the web. Come along and discuss with Tom some of the social ramifications of the Internet, censorship, self censorship, Google and governance.

See also:

Knowledge Management for Crime Prevention

Professor Paul Ekblom (University of the Arts London) talked at the Australian Institute of Criminology in Canberra this morning on "Securing the knowledge: the 5I’s framework for improving performance in crime prevention, security and community safety".

He looked at why crime prevention schemes which work well as small pilot projects fail when applied on a larger scale. He argues that there was a failure to handle the complexity and "messiness" of such schemes in practice. Also projects have to consider the community reaction, otherwise sound schemes will not survive criticism from media commentators.

Professor Ekblom discussed knowledge requirements. He suggested structure, content, terminology. Existing frameworks, such as SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Response and
assessment) and Crime Triangle were criticised for being lacking in structure (like a wardrobe with no shelves).

Professor Ekblom argued for clear definitions, a five step process model: Intelligence, Intervention, Implementation, Involvement, Impact. He then described "Operation Moonshine" in the UK. This was to deter under-age drinking in a shopping centre, which upset the shoppers and attracted drug dealers. Interventions included: modification of carrier bags, high visibility police patrols, behaviours contracts, and removing flower beds. The last was done as bricks from the flower bed were used as missiles and used for congregating. To prevent ram raids bollards were installed, but shaped so they could not be sat on. A "youth shelter" was built away from the shopping centre. To cover offensive graffiti, the local police took the initiative to carry their own spray cans

One aspect which seemed to be lacking from Professor Ekblom's analysis was an acknowledgement for the need to train personnel involved in implementing a strategy and the requirement to allocate sufficient resources. Otherwise any new initiative will be rightly seen by the front line personnel as just a publicity exercise.

Curiously climate change issues came up in the presentation: high brightness street lights are one option for deterring street crime but increase energy use and therefore carbon emissions. Professor Ekblom might like to look at some of the newer LED lighting systems and intelligent controls (such smart infrastructure is discussed in my Green IT course) . These can be used to precisely position light where it is needed, thus reducing energy use. It can also create contrasts between lit and unlit areas, making the light appear brighter and safer. Intelligent light controls can also be used to adjust the light level dynamically. This might be used, for example, to brighten an area subtly if the system detects suspicious behaviour.

It would be unfortunate if Professor Ekblom's analysis was only applied to dealing with young people hanging around shopping centres. Also it would be unfortunate if social problems are to be criminalised and left to be dealt with by the police. Most law and order issues are dealt with by the community, with only a small number coming to the attention of the Police.The Police only have a minor role in crime prevention and to focus strategies on Police action may make the problem worse, rather than better.

Statistics show that crime is not increasing in Australia, despite public perception. The priority therefore should not be to decrease the level of crime, but to make people feel safer. Some "Crime Prevention" techniques can be used to help this, whereas others may make the situation worse, by making the public feel less safe.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Put the Australian Climate Change Citizens Assembly On-line

On Friday the Australian Prime Minister announced a Citizens Assembly on Climate Change ("Moving forward together on Climate Change") . About 150 people will be selected from the census and electoral rolls to spend a year examining what to do about climate change.

It would be easy to see this as a cynical political trick to put off unpopular decisions until after an election. However, as the the conference "Democratizing Climate Governance Conference" I attended last week at the Australian National University in Canberra detailed, simply stating there is a problem does not necessarily produce the required action. This week the Democrats decided they did not have sufficient votes in the US Senate to introduce a cap-and-trade carbon reduction scheme. Providing more facts on climate science is unlikely to change the situation. As well as taking the advice of climate scientists on global warming, we also need advice from economists, social and political scientists on how to act on that advice. The Prime Minister's proposal may be one way to do that.

There are limitations to the prime minister's proposal: The ALP government has to be re-elected next month for the scheme to be implemented and it does not have the support of the opposition, nor the Greens Party (which is likely to hold the balance of power).

There is no provision for such an assembly in the Australian Constitution. This body will have now formal power, apart from the limited advisory role provided for in specific legislation introduced to create it.

The assembly will be limited to considering the government's market-based approach to carbon emissions, which has already been rejected by Parliament. The assembly will not be permitted to consider alternatives, such as a tax on carbon, or energy saving incentives. An example of such alternatives would be a 5% reduction in emissions through better use of ICT (including use of the National Broadband Network), as I teach in Green ICT.

There is no mention in the proposal of the use of technology for making the assembly more efficient, representative or open to the wider community. It seems likely the assembly will use a similar process to the cumbersome processes used by the Australian Parliament and used for the 2020 Summit held by the former Rudd government. With these the representatives travel to one location (usually Canberra) for a few days of verbal, face-to-face discussions and then leave again. Only one person can talk at a time and less than 200 can be accommodated in one forum. Due to the limited communications only one proposal can be considered at a time.

One option would be to provide Internet based technology to enhance the operation of the assembly. There could still be face to face meetings, but between and during these, online forums could be provided. Many more citizens could then follow and take part in the discussion online. Many more proposals could be considered simultaneously. Rather than having most of the time taken up with set peace speeches, presentations could be pre-recorded and Podcast.

Some of these techniques were used with the "Public Sphere" Internet assisted process. We have learnt a lot about how to run such blended events since I helped run the first Public Sphere at the Australian National University in 2009.

My colleagues at the ANU Engineering 'Hubs and Spokes' Project have been working on technology for teaching in a "blended" mode: this combines podcasts and discussions online, with face to face discussions, which can also be enhanced by using technology such as "clickers" (wireless hand held devices to quickly get audience input). This technology could be applied to a citizens consultation process.

ALP Climate Change Policy Announcement

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, made a speech "Moving forward together on Climate Change" on Friday. This proposes a 5% reduction in CO2 emissions,with a CO2 target of 450 ppm, limiting the increase in temprature to 2 degrees, through a cap and trade scheme. However, one year would first be spend consulting the community on the proposal through a "Citizens Assembly". In addition $1 billion would be invested over 10 years in connecting the electricity grid to renewable energy sources and $100m for the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE). There is no proposal for the Australian Government curb its own increasing use of energy. Here are some excerpts:
... The science tells us that we need to limit the growth of carbon pollution in our atmosphere to 450 ppm if we are going to have a chance of limiting global temperature growth to two degrees or less.

That in turn helps to explain the commitment that the Australian Government has made, to cut our pollution levels by at least five per
cent by 2020 compared to our pollution levels in 2000. ...

In taking those steps, we must work towards a new model of economic
growth. ...

Our approach to developing an emissions trading scheme to suit the
Australian economy – the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) ...

The CPRS would require firms that need to use carbon in their work to
acquire permits and allow those permits to be traded so that there is an incentive to reduce carbon pollution and so the permits can be used in the most efficient and most productive ways.

Revenue from the scheme – from the sale of permits – was planned to be
used for assistance to help communities, families and firms to make the transition to a low carbon economy. ...

When we brought it to the Parliament, which we did twice last year, it
took up 11 separate Bills. ... the Greens Party and the Liberal Party
voted against the legislation ...

My job now is to explain the approach that a Labor Government will take to this challenge as we learn the lessons of the last year and look forward. ...

But I recognise that there are some lessons to learn.

These are the lessons:

The first lesson is that, if you want to make a big change for our
nation, the political process must be connected with the community. ...

So now I will set out for your consideration the approach that I will
take to this issue if my Government is re-elected. ...

My Government will create an independent, properly credentialed source
of information and expert advice – a Climate Change Commission – to
explain the science of climate change and to report on progress in
international action. ...

And so today I announce that if we are re-elected, I will develop a
dedicated process – a Citizens’ Assembly – to examine over 12 months the evidence on climate change, the case for action and the possible
consequences of introducing a market-based approach to limiting and
reducing carbon emissions. ...

I envisage that those involved would be genuinely representative of the wider Australian public. They would be voluntary participants, but selected through the census/electoral roll by an independent authority.

Their work would be supported with evidence, analysis and access to the views and positions of a wide range of advocates.

At the same time the Citizens’ Assembly is at work, I will work with
State and Local Governments, business and community groups to maximise
information and discussion in the community overall.

The role of this Citizens’ Assembly will not be to become the final
arbiter or judge of consensus, but to provide an indicator to the nation of the progress of community consensus and the issues that will need to be addressed in making the transition I have described today to a successful, lower pollution economy.

Put simply, I believe in the skills, capacity, decency and plain common sense of Australians. I therefore believe that through dedicated discussion a representative group of Australians drawn from all age groups, parts of the country and walks of life, will help us move forward. ...

The second commitment I will give today is that, if we are re-elected, I will use the CPRS as the basis for this Citizens’ Assembly and community consultation on the way forward in reducing pollution through a market mechanism. In doing so, I recommit to the need for a market mechanism.

And I will maintain the Government’s current commitment to review our
progress in 2012, as we approach the end of the current Kyoto commitment period.

But now that review will be informed by the independent public
commentary of the Climate Change Commission on the dimensions of
international action and by the common sense of the Australian people. ...

... I also announce today that, if the Labor Government is re-elected,
we will introduce a policy that rewards businesses who take early action to reduce their pollution.

To give industry certainty about future investment, the Government will ensure that emission baselines for industry assistance will not be increased – they will be as determined under the CPRS. ...

... if we are re-elected, Labor will ensure that all new power stations will have to meet best practice standards for their carbon emissions.

New coal fired power stations would also have to be carbon capture and
storage ready, capable of being retrofitted to capture and store the
pollution caused by burning coal.

The new standards will be determined by Government following a process
of consultation open to all the key stakeholders, including technical
experts, energy market institutions, industry and environmental groups. ...

These new standards will not apply to existing projects or to projects
which have been committed to when the standards come into effect. ...

Today I announce that, if elected, the Australian Government will
contribute up to $1 billion over 10 years to the investment needed to
connect our electricity grid to new sources of renewable energy. ...

We will invest $100m to support market-based projects developing
renewable technologies through ACRE, the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy. ...

From: "Moving forward together on Climate Change", speech, Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, 23 July 2010.

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Perspectives on Service Teaching

Professor Les Kirkup (UTS) will speak on "New Perspectives on Service Teaching" at the Australian National University, Canberra, 30 July 2010:
FRIDAY 30TH JULY, 12:30-2:00, FORESTRY ROOM 102, BUILDING 48, the Australian National University

What are the characteristics of a good service subject and how do you design one?

Les Kirkup describes his experiences of identifying and addressing issues of student
fundedengagement in physics service subjects, drawing on insights gained through an ALTC project and Fellowship. He will discuss the design of laboratory experiences for students enrolled in first year physics service subjects as well as the benefits that accrue from enhancing the connection between teaching and discipline-based research for these students.

One measure of the success of a project or innovation is the influence it has on the practices of others. Les will describe the approaches being adopted to the dissemination of the ALTC project and Fellowship, and the outcomes of that dissemination to date.
Les Kirkup has 30 years experience working in tertiary education institutions. He held
academic positions in England and Scotland before moving to Australia in 1990. He is an
Associate Professor the Department of Physics and Advanced Materials at UTS. His national contributions to teaching and learning were recognised in 2007 with a Carrick/ALTC Associate Fellowship. He has written, or co-written, 4 books and over 50 peer-reviewed papers covering educational issues in physics as well as discipline-based research. He recently co-led an ALTC funded project Forging New Direction in Physics Education which concentrated on several issues including the provision of physics service teaching. In his discipline-based research he has worked in close collaboration with academics from a diversity of disciplines including physiology, psychology, chemistry, journalism and metrology (as well as, from time to time, fellow physicists).


Consult Citizens Online on Climate Change

Last week I attended the conference "Democratizing Climate Governance Conference" at the Australian National University in Canberra. This was timely as apparently the Prime Minister is about to propose a national community consultation process on climate change. My suggestion would be to use the "Public Sphere" Internet assisted consultation process which Senator Lundy developed for this. This would reduce the cost and complexity of organising deliberations and allow for wider input by people via the Internet, to supplement face-to-face deliberations. We have learnt a lot about how to run such blended events since I helped run the first Public Sphere at the ANU in 2009.

My colleagues at the ANU Engineering 'Hubs and Spokes' Project have been working on technology for teaching in a "blended" mode: this combines podcasts and discussions online, with face to face discussions, which can also be enhanced by using technology such as "clickers" (wireless hand held devices to quickly get audience input). This technology could be applied to a citizens consultation process.

ps: The papers for the "Democratizing Climate Governance Conference" have now been released:

Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010

I will be speaking at "Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010" in Sydney on 9 September 2010. My talk is on using mobiles and the cloud for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including how to use iPhones, iPads, Google Android and the cloud for teaching professionals. There are also workshops and an exhibition. From the draft program:

Day one Thursday 9th September: Conference

9.00 Opening remarks from the Chair

Opening Address: Privacy and the Cloud

9.10 Privacy and the cloud – Government strategies for public privacy and data security

  • Understand the privacy and security issues with cloud computing
  • Why the transborder nature of cloud computing services creates several privacy challenges
  • How to ensure collection and handling of personal information using 'cloud computing services' continues to meet the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act
  • Future challenges and regulatory requirements as cloud computing grows

Andrew Solomon, Director Policy, Office of the Privacy Commissioner

Keynote Address: Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

9.40 Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

Cloud Computing offers unprecedented advantages: flexibility, small or no Capex, faster time to market. But what is, essentially, Cloud Computing? How can we define it? How can we take advantage of it? This presentation will cover the essential features of any Cloud Platform, as well as explain the details of Amazon Web Services. It will explain why the enterprise world is so interested in Cloud Computing, and how the financial sector too can take advantage of it.

Simone Brunozzi, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services Asia Pacific (APAC)

10.25 Morning tea & coffee break and exhibition viewing

Keynote Address: Cloud Computing in Government

10.55 Potential of cloud computing in government

  • Assessing current and future capabilities of cloud computing and its potential role in government
  • What are the concerns and challenges for cloud computing in a government organisation?
  • Can there be shared services in a whole of government cloud?
  • Managing intergovernmental data sharing through cloud computing
  • Understanding the security and privacy issues
  • Assessing the benefits of cloud computing for government organisations
  • What is the next step in developing a government cloud?
Yusuf J. Mansuri, First Assistant Secretary, ICT Strategic & Corporate Services Division, Department of Human Services

Case Study: Moving Enterprise into the Cloud

11.25 Moving enterprise IT into the cloud

  • Understanding the objectives of the transition to cloud computing
  • What are the challenges?
  • Identifying a strategy and processes to ensure a smooth transition
  • Understanding the security issues and how they are overcome
  • Assessing the benefits and results

Alan Perkins, Chief Information Officer, Altium Limited

Contracting for Cloud Computing

11.55 Contract Requirements and Readiness for Cloud Computing

  • Setting the agenda for negotiation
  • Understanding the contractual terms required
  • Importance of periodic reporting by the cloud supplier
  • Getting and maintaining assurances for auditing purposes
  • How to eliminate; manage and mitigate risks
  • Ensuring awareness of, and how to negotiate where you data is stored
  • Identifying who should contract for cloud computing services
  • Negotiating and agreeing terms
  • Negotiating service level agreements
  • Post contract considerations and how to manage your cloud provider

Nick Abrahams, Norton Rose Australia

Cloud Computing Services at an Enterprise Level

12.25 Strategies to Increase the uptake of cloud services at an enterprise level

  • Defining service level agreements for cloud computing
  • Requirements for setting of open standards and getting alignment across the industry
  • Challenges of defining and setting open standards
  • How to ensure the industry drives the standard
  • Identifying and setting common product definitions, addressing cloud security issues, investigating interoperability, data portability and APIs, and exploring federated cloud stores

Michael Lawrey, Executive director, Network and Technology Division, Telstra

12.55 Lunch and exhibition viewing

Cloud Computing Security

1.55 Security and the cloud

  • Understanding the security concerns with cloud computing
  • public cloud
  • private cloud
  • How can you ensure that a public cloud providers’ infrastructure is secure?
  • Can security be improved by the centralisation of data?
  • What are the concerns of loss of control over certain sensitive data?
  • Can security-as-a-service options provide adequate protection?

Keith Price, National Director, Australian Information Security Association

Harnessing the Power of Cloud Computing at Enterprise Level

2.25 Google: Innovating Collaboration: Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

Today's leading global enterprises seek innovative ways to empower employees to collaborate effectively, and the ongoing revolution in cloud computing enables these businesses to deliver high impact solutions while reducing IT management costs. Join Google to learn how businesses have harnessed the power of these technologies, and how your organization can benefit from the constant innovations in the cloud.

Simon Capel, Enterprise Sales Manager, Google Australia

2.55 Challenges that the IT industry faces in Cloud Computing take-up

Ian Birks, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Information Industry Association

3.25 Afternoon tea & coffee break and exhibition viewing

Potential of Cloud Computing

3.55 Head in the Cloud, Feet on the Ground: A Pragmatic View of The Cloud

Gianpaolo Carraro, Developer and Platform Evangelism Director, Microsoft

4.25 Presentation TBA

Tom Worthington, Programme Development, Australian Computer Society

Best Practise Data Management in the Cloud

4.55 Application of best practice data management techniques to cloud services

  • Understanding issues and concerns of data management in the cloud
  • Importance of data integrity
  • Development of service level agreements
  • Maintaining clarity of YOUR residual management responsibilities
  • Future challenges and opportunities

Danny Davis, Chief Executive Officer, CIO Institute of Australia

Panel Session

5.25 Panel session: Organisational requirements and concerns for cloud computing

  • Defining cloud computing
  • What are the current shortfalls?
  • Understand the issues for data sovereignty and security and what data can be hosted overseas
  • How to ensure: abdication; validation; security; back up; and recovery
  • Challenges in systems management and linking cloud resources with internal cores systems
  • Utilising hosted services and pilot services
  • Strategies for going from software-as-a-service to a true virtual cloud
  • How long until we get to the next concept in cloud computing?
  • Assessing the benefits of cloud computing

Panellists TBA

5.55 Closing remarks from the Chair

6.00 Networking drinks reception

Day two Friday 10th September:

Half Day Workshop

Demystifying the Amazon Web Services Cloud


9.00 Morning registration and welcome tea and coffee

9.30 Commencement of workshop

11.00 Tea and coffee break

1.00 Close of workshop

About the workshop

Whether you're a developer eager to learn new skills, a solution architect that wants to expand the horizon of his customers, the CTO that wants to bring innovation to their startup or large enterprise, a professor or researcher that wants to tap into the vast computing resources made available by Amazon Web Services, this workshop is for you: no manuals can substitute for direct experience, and provide the stimulus to learn more.

Join Simone Brunozzi, the leading AWS Technology Evangelist in APAC for this hands-on workshop where you will:
  • Learn hands-on tricks of managing an AWS cloud
  • Understand the AWS economic advantages and how they can drive highly scalable, available and redundant technical solutions
  • Gain exposure to informative AWS case studies
  • Participate in hands on labs where the following AWS services will be explored: EC2, S3, CloudFront, RDS, Elastic MapReduce
  • Configure an example of auto-scaling web infrastructure solution

Senior Infrastructure Engineers, Senior Systems administrators, Solution Architects, Infrastructure Aware Developers, Researchers, and other advanced Technical people.

Expected Competencies Include: Basic understanding of server virtualization, Basic linux skills (ssh, package mangement, etc), Basic understanding of server storage (block devices vs object stores), Awareness of internet architectures. There are strictly enforced prerequisites for attending this workshop.

Workshop Program: The workshop is divided into two sessions: the first one explains the Cloud Computing paradigm and the economic benefits of using it, and then provides real world examples of companies that are successfully using the Cloud. The second session is a hands-on training on the most important services.


  • Welcome and presentations
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing, the economic business model of AWS Success stories
  • Brief Q&A session
  • Hands on setup
  • Amazon S3: how it works, how to use S3Fox to upload/delete/update files
  • From S3 to CloudFront: create content distributions and test performances Break
  • Amazon EC2 basics: instance types, Operating Systems, APIs, AMIs, Regions, Availability Zones, Elastic IPs, common scenarios
  • Brief Q&A session
  • Running a Web Server on Amazon EC2: choose an AMI, launch it, log in, install Apache, configure it, run it using an Elastic IP, test it.
  • Amazon EBS: how to create and manage it, how to benefit from it.
  • Auto-Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, CloudWatch with Amazon EC2: creating an automated, self-healing cluster of machines
  • Running Hadoop using Elastic Mapreduce, starting the cluster on a sample data set with a simple script.
  • Final Q&A session

For more information on AWS, please visit

Prerequisites for Attendees

Attendees are required to fulfill the following prerequisites:

  1. Have an active AWS account, with active subscription to the following services: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, CloudFront, Amazon RDS, Elastic MapReduce.
  2. A laptop with Linux/MacOS/Windows and internet connection, or WiFi enabled.
  3. Firefox browser installed, version 3.6 or above.
  4. API tools installed:

Your workshop leader:

Simone Brunozzi, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services Asia Pacific (APAC) ...

From: "Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010", Active Business Communications, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Australian Mobile Applications in Shanghai

Mobile Monday Shanghai is hosting "The Future of Mobile Applications", at Kathleen's 5 in the Shanghai Art Museum, 26 July 2010. This is organised by the Australia Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA) and sponsored by the Victorian Government. Attending companies include: Academy of Information Technology, Blackglass, Bulpadok, Crewjo, Direct Digital Group, Gruden, Internetrix, Netagi, Peoplelogic, Unseen TV, Valleyarm Digital and ZAC Toons. The organisers claim the National Broadband Network (NBN) will be an enabler for the mobile industry. It will be interesting to hear how this fixed fibre network has synergies with wireless. I presented at the MobileMonday Global Summit 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, which was an excellent event.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

IT Cost Management in Higher Education

The report "Responding to Recession: IT Funding and Cost Management in Higher Education" by Philip J. Goldstein (19 July 2010) has been released by EDUCAUSE). One useful point the report makes is that technology is an area for investment to bring in new revenew from online learning, make administration more efficient, better track academic progress and better support decision making.
Abstract: This document presents the key findings from Responding to Recession: IT Funding and Cost Management in Higher Education, the 2010 ECAR study of how the economic recession is impacting information technology (IT) organizations and operations in higher education. The study was designed to address the following questions: How have IT funding levels been affected by the recession among respondent institutions? What strategies did institutions follow to reduce their IT costs? Where have IT costs and expenditures been reduced, and how were those reductions accomplished? Are the budget reductions that have been taken sustainable, or were they the byproduct of a series of one-time actions? To what extent did institutions attempt to leverage the recession to substantially change the way IT services are delivered and managed? Were efforts at substantial change successful? How have the impacts of cuts in IT funding impacted the capacity of colleges and universities to sustain their technology and meet their institutions’ strategic technology goals? The study was conducted using a variety of research methodologies, including a literature review to further our understanding of higher education’s present and future financial outlook and the methods organizations have employed to reduce their IT costs; a quantitative web-based survey of EDUCAUSE member institutions that was completed by 319 institutions (83.4% of respondents were the institution’s chief information officer or equivalent); qualitative interviews with 20 IT leaders to deepen our understanding of survey findings in critical areas; and an online, real-time Delphi process that solicited the opinions of a panel of experts on how the recession has impacted IT organizations and the potential of technology to transform higher education’s future costs and revenues. Citation for this work: Goldstein, Philip J. Responding to Recession: IT Funding and Cost Management in Higher Education—Key Findings (Key Findings 4, 2010). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research

Kogan Linux e-Book Reader

Kogan 6 ebook reader with ink screenKogan have announced a $189 Kogan e-Book reader with a 6 inch e-ink screen, to be available in late August. The unit will not be tied to any particular e-book store and is claimed to support a wide range of formats. It will run Linux 2.6 on a Samsung S3C2416 (Arm 9), with 64mb RAM and 2GB flash memory. The unit has no keyboard and no touch screen, relying on a column of buttons along the right side of the screen.

I purchased a Kogan netbook and have found both the unit and Kogan after sales support to be good. The Kogan e-book reader looks a reasonable device. However, Kogan were considering a Kogan tablet computer for about $200, with a 7 inch colour touch screen, which would be a far more useful device.
Model Number:KGNEBK6VAA
Display Size (Diagonal):6" / 15.24cm
Display type:E-ink Panel with Epson Display Controller
Display Resolution:800 x 600
Processor:Arm 9 Core (Samsung S3C2416)
Operating System:Linux 2.6
Ram:64mb DDR2
Battery:Li-ION 1700mAh
Battery Life:

10,000 screen refreshes - equivalent to 3 months usage

(Based on reading speed of 500 pages per week)

Built-in Memory:Yes, 2GB
Max Storage Capacity:32GB SDHC Memory Card (approx 100,000 ebooks)
Colours Supported:16 Level Greyscale
Ebook Formats Supported:PDF, CHM, EPUB, TXT, HTM, HTML, RTF, PDB, DJVU, DJV, IW44, IW4, FB2, OEB, PRC, MOBI, TCR, OPF
Image Formats Supported:JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF
Audio Formats Supported:MP3 (32kbps - 384 kbps)
3.5mm Headphone Jack:1
USB Port:1
SD Card Slot:1
Language Support:English, Italian, French, Russian, Dutch, German
Page Number Indication:Yes
Font Sizes:5 Sizes available
Search:Yes (by filename)
Dimensions of Unit:H 17.6cm x W 11.8cm x D 0.96cm

Testing and Tagging at Conference

One of the more unusual requirements as presenter at Moodle Moot Au 2010 was to have my netbook tested for electrical safety. I was worried this would be a long and slow process, with my having to find an electrician in the basement of the conference centre. But there were three technicians from Jim’s Test & Tag Australia, each with test equipment, next to the conference registration desk.

The technician first examined the power supply, then attached two electrodes, pressed a button on the test unit, waited a few seconds and looked at a screen. They then pressed another button and a label was printed to be attached to the lead. As my power supply has a removable mains cable, this process had to be repeated for that cable and also for my 3G router, which has its own plug-pack. Even so the whole process only took a couple of minutes.

This all seems a little excessive, as laptops use double insulated external power supplies. These are designed to an international safety standard. Even if there was a failure in the unit, my laptop itself is encased in insulating plastic. About the worst which would happen is the computer would be destroyed by excessive voltage, without harming the operator. But better to be safe than sorry, and at international conferences there is an assortment of equipment brought along with electrical connections of uncertain origin. While I may feel safe from my laptop, I don't know about the one the person next to me brought along.

Free conference on wikis in Canberra on 11 August 2010

"Recent Changes Camp Canberra" is being held at the University of Canberra, 11 August 2010. This is free to attend, with the program determined on the day. The topic is the use wikis and other online collaboration tools.

Previously I have attended and presented at similar format "Bar Camp" events and found them very interesting and useful. But it takes a while to get used to the fluid format used. Unlike a conventional conference, such "unconferences" have less structure and at times are confusing, but fun.

It can be disconcerting when presenting, as few in the audience seem to be paying attention, instead typing on their smart phones, tablets and netbooks. But what they are doing (mostly) is listening to what you are saying and discussing it online with others in the room and elsewhere. Also the attendees can look and talk like cyberpunks, but turn out to be senior government and industry people.

Register online via the Wiki (you have to edit the wiki page, rather than fill in a form).

Google Android Mesh Network for Disaster Communications

Paul Gardner-Stephen has founded The Serval Project at Flinders University to provide a way for mobile phones to be used for disaster communications without a cell tower. The phones would cooperate in a mesh network, to relay signals from phone to phone. Initial implementation is with Google Android smart phones. The work is assisted with a $1,000 grant from the Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences.

On the face of it using mobile phones for disaster communications does not seem a good idea. Most mobile phones are designed for city use, have very small antennas giving them a short range and rely on there being a high cell tower to relay signals. Walkie talkie CB radios are available for less than $100 which are designed to work on their own or with a low cost repeater for longer range communications. These can be set up quickly for use in a disaster area. Emergency workers can also be issued with more sophisticated "trunked radio" which has similar features to cell phones but are also designed to operate in more primitive conditions.

However, not all workers can be issued with a radio in a disaster zone and new communications procedures are needed to use them. Also low cost two way radios do not provide text messaging or computer interfaces. It would be much easier if workers could use their existing cell phone, with SMS as also access to the web.

It is a little misleading to describe the Serval project as making use of cell phones as it is the WiFi radio function of the smart phones being used, not the cell phone radio. The technique used is the same as used by OLPC computers which have a mesh network installed. In effect the service provides data transmission and then voice calls can be carried over that network. In a disaster it is likely that bandwidth will be limited and the system will mostly be sued for SMS and data transmission. The bandwidth needed for one voice call would service hundreds of SMS users..

What might make the system more practical would be use of external antennas on the smart phones to extend their range. This could be combined with a rugged case to protect the phone. While these would not look fashionable, there might be some kudos for volunteer emergency workers to have a bright yellow rubber covered phone with a whip antenna to show they are ready to help the community.

Also while the current project is concentrating on Andropid Phones, there is no reason why Apple iPhones, iPads, laptops netbook computers could not use the same system.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

South East Asia Computer Conference in Brisbane in September

SEARCC 2010, the 26th conference of the South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC), will be held in Brisbane on 22 September 2010, in conjunction with the World Computer Congress WCC 2010 (I am presenting on Green ICT at WCC ). Here are some excerpts from the SEARCC 2010 brochure:
SEARCC'10 - ICT Leading Change Through Innovation



John will explore “How do you maximise the reality behind technology such as Cloud computing yet still retail the balance between localism and centralisation”

John was appointed Her Majesty’s Government Chief Information Office on the 5th June 2006. He has a background of over 25 years’ experience in IT and major transformation programmes.

John leads the work of the CIO Council in delivering the Government’s strategy for the transformation of public services enabled by technology. John will also provide leadership to the IT Profession across the wider public sector and enable public service transformation through the strategic deployment of technology which includes driving the use of shared services. John will also act as the ‘“face”’ of UK Government IT both home and abroad.

KUMAR PARAKALA, 10.30 - 11.00am, Chain ERP
Global COO, KPMG & Immediate Past President, ACS

The role of CIO represents the move from the back office to the Boardroom for ICT professionals. Should the CIO have a business or technical background? Are the CIOs today meeting the needs of tomorrow? Does your CIO look like the CIO of today or the CIO of tomorrow? Kumar looks in to the future of CIOs.

Kumar is the immediate past President of ACS and a Partner at KPMG and fulfils the roles of Chief Operating Officer of Advisory and National Head of IT Advisory practice for India and Global Head of Sourcing.

MARK TOOMEY, 11.00am - 11.30am, Chief Executive, Infonomics

Most organizations are highly dependent on IT and can exploit IT for competitive advantage. But despite the shift to commodity components and outsourced supply, the failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptable and operational IT breakdowns cause too much disruption. The key to overcoming these issues is a shift in focus from the supply arrangements to the way that the organization uses IT. Toomey will explain how ISO/IEC 38500 guides effective leadership and governance of IT from the point of view of those who control the business agenda, and show how this can lead to substantial economic benefit.

Mark is the founder, chief executive and principal consultant for Infonomics. Mark is internationally recognised as a leading independent advisor and educator in top level governance of information and communication technology. He has over thirty years experience in planning and delivering IT solutions that enable business performance, and ten years of specialist experience in Governance of IT.

PETER LAMBERT, 11.30 - 12.00am, Head of HR & Corporate, Defence Materiel Organisation

In July this year, the Defence will roll out the largest Logistics and Supply in Australia, based on Queensland company Mincom’s Ellipse product. The solution supports over 9,000 users across 160 sites around Australia and overseas. The Military Integrated Logistics Information System, or MILIS, manages billions of dollars worth of thousands of significant and complex equipments, millions of related inventory items and varied supply chains originating from Australian and overseas suppliers and extending through multiple warehouses to units and systems around the world, including in Afghanistan. Innovative governance and change management approaches have been a critical contributor to the success (or failure - since we don’t know yet) of the rollout.

Peter Lambert is the Head of Human Resources and Corporate Services n the Defence Materiel Organisation. His responsibilities include workforce and HR management, ministerial and corporate communications, support to operations, external agreements and performance reporting, corporate governance, security and risk, business process improvement, information management and business systems. He is also responsible for the sustainment of Defence’s logistics system and the delivery of the major upgrades to this system.

TAN SRI RICHARD MALANJUM, 12.00 - 12.30am, Chief Judge, High Court Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia

The Integrated Court System (ICS) project is an exemplary initiative which efficiently integrates IT, Video and mobile technologies for improving the productivity and efficiency of court case dispositions and improving the quality of judiciary services. The open source platform offers a scalable, secure and a reliable model. Since its implementation in 2006, in the two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo, ICS has reduced the average number of days to settle a case by 80%.

The Right Honorable Mr. Justice Tan Sri Richard Malanjum was called to the English Bar of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, London and admitted as an Advocate to the Sabah Bar and to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Bar.

His Lordship is the first bumiputra/native of Sabah to be elevated to the high office of a Judge of the High and for the first time since the formation of Malaysia his Lordship became the first Sabahan to be elevated as the Chief Judge of the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia.

SENATOR STEPHEN CONROY, 1.30 - 2.00am, Minister for Broadband, Communications, Australia and the Digital Economy, Australia

Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy was appointed Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy in December 2007. He is also Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate.

Stephen has a broad range of portfolio responsibilities, not least the National Broadband Network—the largest nation-building infrastructure project in Australian history, and the enabling foundation for our digital economy. Other responsibilities include Australia’s digital television switchover, our national broadcasters the ABC and SBS, media policy, community broadcasting, cyber security and cyber-safety, radio frequency spectrum and Australia Post, among other things.


Panellists Include:
Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (Australia);
The Hon Paul Raymond Henderson MLA, Chief Minister of Northern Territory (Australia);
YB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam, Chairman of Sarawak State IT and Resources Council (Malaysia);
Hwang Chang-Gyu, Former Chief Technology Officer, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Korea);
Shri Sachin Pilot, Union Minister of State, Communications and IT (India).
Moderator: Caroline New, Executive Coach and Business Growth Strategist, Quantum Values.

AJAHN BRAHM, 2.30 - 3.30pm, Spiritual Master

Ajahn Brahm will show how to press the delete button on the problems associated with decision making, removing the worry before and the guilt after. He will also present simple but highly effective strategies for removing the stress of life in front of a monitor, like only a Buddhist monk can do. This humorous presentation will be like no other in this conference. No power points, no jargon, just a new, effective and enjoyable software program for your brain to gain a taste of nirvana.

Ajahn Brahm was born Peter Betts in a poor suburb of London in 1951. He won a scholarship to study Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University in 1969, after which he taught teenagers in high school for a year. That experience was enough to make him leave the world and travel to Thailand to be ordained as a Buddhist monk. He has been a monk for 36 years.

Currently Ajahn Brahm is the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monk Factory, just south of Perth. He is also the Spiritual Director, Advisor and Patron of many organisations. In October 2004, Ajahn Brahm was awarded the John Curtin Medal for his vision, leadership and service to the Australian community by Curtin University. Ajahn Brahm has spoken at many
International conferences and is highly sort after for Executive retreats. He is the author of many books, including the best-selling Opening the Door of Your Heart, currently translated into 20 languages.

PREMIER DAVID BARTLETT, 4.00 - 4.30pm, Premier of Tasmania

Premier the Hon David Bartlett is also Tasmania’s first Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology.

With the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN), Tasmania is taking a giant leap into a digital future. Telecommunications infrastructure will be the hydro-electric dams, poles and wires of the 21st Century, creating new generation jobs and industries.

David Bartlett understands that the NBN is not just about faster internet but that real benefits will come as our community connects to the network and to each other. There will be new ways of delivering heath, education, government, community and business services.

JOHN GRANT, 4.30 – 5.00pm, Chair, Information Technology Industry Innovation Council, Australia

John Grant looks at the game changing impact technology is having on ways in which we communicate and work together; Australia’s positioning as a global innovator; the innovation agenda in Australia; a context for innovation and technology in securing our future; and an approach to changing the way we think about problem solving through technology.

John Grant is the Chairman of the Australian Information Industry Association and Chair of the IT Industry Innovation Council, one of seven industry councils set up by Federal Ministry for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. He is also Managing Director of Data#3 Limited, an ASX listed IT solutions company. John has also been an outstanding sportsman representing Australia in Rugby League at the 1972 World Cup and Queensland between 1972 and 1975.

SEARCC / WCC DINNER, 7.00 - late
Your SEARCC registration includes dinner on 22 September

The 26th SEARCC Conference ‘ICT Leading Change through Innovation’ is being held in conjunction with the World Computer Congress (WCC).


The SEARCC 2010 conference is designed for:
  • CIOs and leaders in the ICT industry
  • ICT Managers
  • ICT Governance Specialists
  • Individuals interested in ICT, Leadership and Governance
The SEARCC 2010 conference will provide opportunities to form new friendships with delegates from all around the world.


SEARCC (South East Asian Regional Computer Confederation) is a confederation of national information technology professional societies. SEARCC represents members from Asia-Pacific region including Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. For more info on SEARCC visit


The World Computer Congress (WCC) is IFIP’s flagship conference and the most prestigious event on the global Information Communications and Technology (ICT) calendar, held every two years. SEARCC 2010 is one of many partner conferences at WCC2010.


The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is an umbrella organisation for national societies working in the field of ICT. Established in 1959 by the United Nations, IFIP has 58 member associations in 56 countries throughout the world. With over half a million members, IFIP holds the World Computer Congress every two years.

Register today: ...

From: SEARCC 2010 brochure, 2010