Thursday, September 15, 2011

Measuring the Quality of Higher Education

The Australian Government is setting up a Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) to oversee universities in Australia. This replaces state based agencies from January 2012. There will be a website, similar to the "My School" site. There are various funds for universities to prepare for the new system, including an initial $400M Structural Adjustment Fund (SAF), and $50.1M in project and award fund, 30.8M in "Reward Funding".

There are extensive consultations and reference bodies as part of the process, such as the Advancing Quality in Higher Education Reference Group. While most of the people on such bodies are from universities (Vice Chancellors and Professors), there are also representatives of bodies such as the Business Council of Australia and the National Union of Students.\

There is extensive documentation on the process:

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