It is likely that we will see more such "Green" computers, made by using a low power CPU, Linux and a minimum of peripherals. Both the Everex GPC and the Zonbu are over-specified for the application. The Everex uses large standard PC components to lower cost, with a cheap beige box, whereas the Zonbu appears to be using an over-engineered set-top box case. A lower cost unit could be designed using the same VIA single board computer in a simple steel case larger than the Zonbu, but smaller than the Everex. To reduce the cost further, the Fash memory (for a diskless unit), could be via a USB connector, omitting the flash card slot of the Zonbu.
It will be interesting to see which packaging of components and which level of features will appeal to the consumer and to business. A box which looks like a PC will appeal to some consumers, even though this will be mostly empty space. A small slim box will appeal to others.
Protac international Computers Australia appear to be about to start selling the "Excel gPC", a similar unit to the Everex GPC in Australia for $AU499. Unlike the WalMart offering, this appears to include an LCD screen in the price.
I noticed the Everex Green PC (GPC) is being offered on for $US199.99
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