The F-35B is the highest technical rusk, most expensive and lowest performance of the three F-35 variants. Currently the Australian government is considering ordering the conventional takeoff F-35A, which is less risky, cheaper and higher performance. However, the F-35B offers the ability to operate from a ship's deck and retains the stealth characteristics and a useful payload. The extra cost of the F-35B has in effect been underwritten, by the other variants and has performed well in recent shipboard trials.
Risks remain with the F-35 project. Australia could order 24 F-35Bs, sufficient for the two ships. If the F-35 turns out to be successful, then F-35As could be ordered later for land-based use. Otherwise more F/A-18Fs could be ordered for land use and just the 24 F-35Bs retained for shipboard use.

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