Sunday, December 02, 2012

Australian National Research Investment Plan

A National Research Investment Plan was released by the Australian Government on 28 November 2012. The objective is to increase Australian economic productivity, with a national research fabric, research investment principles and strategic research priorities. However, it is not clear how committed the government is to this plan.

The document is 132 pages of PDF. A HTML version, at least of the executive summary, would be useful. Unfortunately the document, contrary to Australian Government policy, does not have a Creative Commons licence, limiting its distribution.

National Research Investment Plan


  • Prime Minister’s Foreword
  • Minister’s Foreword
  • Chair’s Foreword
  • Contents
  • Executive Summary
  1. Introduction
  2. The Rationale for Research Investment
  3. Overview of Research and Innovation In Australia
  4. The Decade Outlook for Research
  5. Australia’s Research Fabric
  6. Investment Objective and Principles
  7. Enabling Capability
  8. Fundamental Elements
  9. Strategic Research Priorities
  10. Implementing the Planning Process
  1. National Research Investment Plan Terms of Reference
  2. Membership of ARCom Groups
  3. Location of Excellent University Research
  4. Appendix D: Australia’s Gross Expenditure on Research and Development, 2008–09
  5. Appendix E: Science, Research and Innovation Budget Tables, 2012
  6. Appendix F: Australian Government Support for Science, Research and Innovation by Primary Purpose
  7. Appendix G: Research Workforce Strategy – Vision and Aspirations
  8. Appendix H: S trategic Framework for Research Infrastructure Investment
  • Abbreviations
  • References


... In summary, the planning process comprises:
  • the objective of guiding Australian Government research investment in a way that improves national wellbeing by increasing productivity and addressing Australia’s key challenges;
  • a framework, in the form of a national research fabric, that enables the development of Australia’s research capacity and capability to be responsive to the needs of all sectors including business;
  • a set of research investment principles that ensures government investments address the overall investment objective and are delivered efficiently; and
  • a statement of strategic research priorities that enables investment to be focused on meeting the government’s priorities.

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