Tuesday, February 27, 2007

E- publishing for Academics

Cover of Improving Implementation by John WannaGreetings from the ANU Library in Canberra. The University's e-Press staff just gave a presentation on how to do Open Access e-publishing of e-books. The e-Press also sells print-on-demand paper copies of the books as well. The e-Press publishes books by authors at the ANU and associated with it. There will be another seminar 2 March 2007, for details contact: anuepress(a)anu.edu.au

An example of a recent book produced is "Improving Implementation - Organisational Change and Project Management" by John Wanna. You can download the books for free in PDF, HTML and mobile formats. The whole book is available in one PDF file, as well as one chapter [er file. The HTML version has one print page per web page. The mobile format is a simplified HTML for PDAs.

This book will appeal to government people:
The business of government is necessarily diverse, changing and of considerable scale. A focus on improving the implementation of government programs and initiatives is important because the community expects the Government to deliver on its policies, as does the Government.

The papers included in this collection address numerous aspects of improving implementation. They were initially presented at the Project Management and Organisational Change conference held in Canberra in February 2006, the first annual research conference organised by ANZSOG in conjunction with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. This collection represents a comprehensive drawing together of experience and insight from both practitioners and academic researchers, with speakers including top public sector executives from the Australian jurisdictions as well as representatives from the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand.

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