Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Bushfire Management Policy

Steve Dovers and Michael Eburn will speak on "Mainstreaming fire and emergency management across legal and policy sectors" at the Australian National University in Canberra, 1pm, 3 May 2012:
Mainstreaming fire and emergency management across legal and policy sectors:
Preliminary findings

Steve Dovers and Michael Eburn

Emergency management is more than just responding with fire trucks and flood boats, it requires a-whole-of-government approach to manage risks and reduce
the impact of foreseeable natural hazards. The research presented in this seminar is exploring the impact of law and policy on emergency management and the development of resilience. Our preliminary findings are that the law does not pose the challenge or threat that is often reported; and that the courts are not standing by waiting to condemn emergency managers. However,
there is a large gap between high policy goals and implementation. This gap must be filled if Australian emergency management is to really adopt an all-of-government, all-agencies, all-hazards approach. The research is being funded by the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre.

Thursday 3 May 2012 1-2pm, Forestry Lecture Theatre, Building 48, Linnaeus Way, ANU

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