Monday, July 02, 2012

Preparing Postgraduate Students

The Preparing for Academic Practice website is provided by Centre for Excellence in Preparing for Academic Practice at Oxford University for graduate students. This is intended for research students, in particular those undertaking a PHD, but would also be of use for postgraduate coursework students.

The material is drawn from studies at several UK universities. Unfortunately, as a result it lacks cohesion. As an example, if I click on "Being an international PhD researcher" I would expect to be taken to a web page on that topic, but instead get one asking me to choose from the universities of Warwick or Oxford. The Warwick link goes to "What to expect from your PhD" and the Oxford link goes to "Diversities in Transnational Experience".
  1. Becoming a PhD researcher
  2. Being an international PhD researcher
  3. Getting through your PhD
  4. Venturing into teaching
  5. Academic career paths
  6. From Practice to Academia
  7. Access for trainers & developers
  8. research projects
  9. About this web site

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