Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Australian Politics in a Digital Age

Australian Politics in a Digital Age by Dr Peter Chen
Dr Peter Chen's book "Australian Politics in a Digital Age" is available free on-line as well as a conventional paperback. It provides a scholarly, but still readable overview of the way Australian political parties, and others, have made use of the Internet over the last decade.  The book ends with Chapter 7 — "Policy in an age of information", which mentions of "GovHack 2012". This event was held in Canberra (and at satellite locations), with a completion to produce new government related on-line services. However, Peter did not mention the companion event GovCamp 2012, which was designed to educate senior public servants about use of such technology. That event blended a traditional conference with an "un-conference". I helped with GovCamp/Hack 2012 and planning is underway for 2013.
Information and communications technologies are increasingly important in the Australian political landscape. From the adoption of new forms of electoral campaigning to the use of networking technology to organise social movements, media technology has the potential to radically change the way politics is conducted and experienced in this country. The first comprehensive volume on the impact of digital media on Australian politics, this book examines the way these technologies shape political communication, alter key public and private institutions, and serve as the new arena in which discursive and expressive political life is performed. Employing a range of theoretical perspectives, empirical data, and case examples, the book provides insights on political behaviour of Australia’s elites, as well as the increasingly important politics of mirco-activism and social media. Energetic and fast-paced, the book draws together a wide range of Australian and international scholarship on the interface between communications technology and politics. Crossing several genres, the book will find a wide audience amongst scholars of both politics and communication, among public relations professionals, and with members of the media themselves.

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