Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Beijing Conspiracy by Adrian d'Hage

One way to keep entertained during Canberra's COVID-19 lock-downs has been to visit the street libraries. These are small weatherproof boxes which householders and businesses put out, filled with free books, as well as CDs and DVDs. Recently I found a copy of "The Beijing Conspiracy" by Adrian d'Hage in my local street library. This is an action adventure, with the bonus of being by a local author I have met. The title is misleading, as the conspiracy concerns international terrorists, and agents of the US government, with China just a setting for part of the conflict.

Adrian d'HagĂ© had a distinguished military career (our paths crossed at the Department of Defence), before writing six novels. This second one is a book for our times, featuring a COVID-19 like virus being used as a weapon. 

Very much in the style of Tom Clancy, this novel involves conspiracies at the very top of the US Government, with honest hardworking military and intelligence personnel hampered by duplicitous self-serving politicians. However, in this case the characters are not quite so black and white, with some of the terrorists acting out of a sincere wish to improve conditions for their people, and business people acting more like terrorists.

With this sort of action adventure set in the present day, details are important and I have a quibble over one detail. In the novel the hero visits the impressive headquarters of the Beijing Olympic Games Committee. I spent almost a week there as a guest of BOCOG to provide some advice on the 2008 Olympics web site.  As a recall it was an ordinary office building. The one unusual detail was a security guard in an immaculate uniform standing to ramrod attention in the foyer.

It is always a delight to found someone I know has written a book. In this case it is a relief to find it is a good book, and I will look out for others by Adrian d'Hage, just as soon as the official libraries open again.

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