Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Power to the people

While doing a little ego surfing recently, I came across a two page article in the The Bulletin magazine (Braue, 1999):
"This article presents the views of Tom Worthington, former president of the Australian Computer Society and internet advocate. Relevant points include his various efforts to popularize cyberspace in Australia, such as posting digital photographs on the web from a hot air balloon, his service as an adviser to the Australian government on internet issues, and his opposition to censorship laws as inhibiting the net's proper function as a device for people-to-people communication." From Trove:
This is a very flattering article, with quotes from others as to how wonderful I was. There is a large photo of me standing in front of some computer equipment looking very expert. But what is curious is above my head in the photo is a sign which says "Kick-Me". I don't recall ever seeing this before, or why the sign was there.


Braue, David (1999-09-28). Power to the people.(views of Tom Worthington, past president of the Australian Computer Society and internet advocate). In The Bulletin with Newsweek. 117 (6193), 86(2).

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