Monday, July 29, 2013

Unlawful Use of Red Cross Symbol by Express Plus Medicare App

The Apple iTunes store features "Express Plus Medicare" app which appears to be from the Australian Department of Human Services. However, the App is promoted using an icon depicting a medical worker with a red cross on their uniform. The use of the emblem of a red cross on a white background is reserved under Australian and international law for the Red Cross organization and authorized humanitarian work (Geneva Conventions). Unauthorized use of this symbol is a crime in Australia and internationally. It seems likely that an Australian government agency would be familiar with Australian law, so this app may be a hoax.  There are other symbols which are commonly used to indicate medical services. The obvious solution in this case would be to change the color of the cross.

1 comment:

  1. Three days ago I questioned the Australian Department of Human
    Services use of an icon depicting a medical
    worker with a red cross on their uniform to promote the "Express Plus Medicare"
    app in the Apple iTunes store. The use of the emblem of a
    red cross on a white background is reserved
    under Australian and international law for the Red Cross
    organization and authorized humanitarian work (Geneva Conventions).
    Unauthorized use of this symbol is a crime in Australia and

    I noticed today that the red cross has been removed from the icon. There
    are other symbols
    which are commonly used to indicate medical services. The obvious
    solution in this case would have been to change the color of the cross. But removing the cross completely is an acceptable alternative.
