Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Bring Your Own Device

Greetings from CSIRO Black Mountain Laboratories in Canberra, where the Australian Computer Society is holding its monthly meeting. The topic  is  "Mobilizing the workforce – Mobility and BYOD" with Danielle Raimet. of Delv Pty Ltd. The idea of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is difficult for corporations and government agencies, due to security issues.DSD have published "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Considerations for Executives".
However, as Danielle points out mobile computing and BYOD provides benefits. AGIOM is aiming for a 12% mobile workforce. It occurs to me that as mobile users need different application to desktop users and these devices are used outside the corporation, the Australian Public service could take the opportunity to provide services to all public servants in all agencies with one standard service.
BYOD may be implemented using a native Mobile Devicce Management (MDM), Container MDM or Remote Session. All approaches place some limits on what the user can do. MobileIron is an example of a Native MDM.  Good Technology is an example of a container MDM. Citrix and VMWare are the most common Container MDMs, these have the advantage of working on a range of mobile devices, laptops and desktop computers, but are more cumbersome for the mobile user.

Branch Forum:
Mobility and BYOD

Mobilizing the workforce – Mobility and BYOD
IT is constantly under a continuous cycle of development to provide a higher standard of service to end-users, whilst maintaining or reducing IT spend. This is a challenge faced by all organisations however is most obvious in the Government market at present.
To address these trends and challenges IT departments are being asked to provide enhancements and new solutions to provide a more collaborative work environment and a more mobile enabled workforce.

This has been driven by both market trends, such as consumer computing/BYOD, work/life balance initiatives, increased adoption of remote access solutions and a shift towards collaboration/social media initiatives. This, paired with the need to enhance communication amongst staff and customers has rapidly driven a mobility agenda within the global IT landscape.

These market trends have ultimately led to a shift in the way that users demand access to corporate data and has provided a business requirement to ensure data is secure, accessible and available, anywhere, anytime.
This demand has created a new set of challenges for IT departments, most specifically in regards to security and developing policy for the new/changing data delivery methods.

Some of the challenges discussed are:• Corporate or BYOD device;
• Security applied to the device, container/application or both;
• Securing infrastructure and devices;
• Policy and governance, specifically in relation to mobile devices;
• Determining long term mobility strategies; and
• Aligning business requirements and long-term IT strategies with immediate organisational demands. 

Danielle Raimet

Senior Consultant - Delv Pty Ltd

Danielle Raimet has worked in both Government and corporate IT environments with a deep understanding of how business requirements drive the need for change to enterprise technology solutions.

In her current role, Danielle provides consulting and architectural services to clients, primarily in the field of enterprise mobility, remote access and complimentary solutions (such as corporate Wi-Fi and Unified Communications). She is also experienced in the implementation of technical designs, IT strategy development and technical consulting.

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