Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Communications report 2009-10 Series Survey

The Australian Communications and Media Authority invited me to fill out a Stakeholder Survey for the Communications report 2009-10 series. This was a little perplexing as I had no idea what this "series" was. When I did a web search I ended up with two different documents:
  1. Communications report 2009–10
  2. Communications report 2009–10 series
    1. Report 1—Australia in the digital economy: The shift to the online environment
    2. Report 2—Take-up and use of voice services by Australian consumers
    3. Report 3— Australian consumer satisfaction with communication services
    4. Report 4— Changing business models in the Australian communication and media sectors: Challenges and response strategies.
As far as I can work out, the series is a supplement to the statutory report. But giving them the same name just confuses the situation.

I found by searching my web site I had commented on Report 4—Changing business models in the Australian communication and media sectors: Challenges and response strategies (January 2011) and "Australia in the digital economy: The shift to the online environment" (November 2011). As I noted, both these reports were in hard to read PDF, rather than HTML.

ACMA also asked about "Printed in full" which I had never heard of, but assume is about the print media and so of no interest to those dealing with on-line communications. The only references to the phrase "printed in full" I could find on the ACMA web site were is a discussion of colour printing.

ACMA also asked about engage.acma.gov.au, which appears to be a second ACMA web site, although I could not find any clear explanation of why ACMA needed a second web site.

I filled out the ACAMA survey carefully and at the end pressed submit, whereupon I got:
ERROR: Could not read CAPTCHA token file.

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