Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Green e-Skills

The Final Report: Evaluation of the implementation of the European Commission's Communication on e-Skills for the 21st Century by TOBIAS HÜSING and WERNER B. KORTE
was released October 2010. "Skills for Green IT" were identified as an area requiring action. I assume that my "Green Technology Strategies" course is the sort of thing they have in mind:
There is broad consensus that "e-business skills" (also called e-leadership skills) and ‘hybrid’ type of skills will become of crucial importance with the advent of the latest and emerging developments in ICT (e.g. green IT, cloud computing) for which probably further and new skills and competences are required to support the proper and competitive operation of existing industry and business organisations as well as the emergence of new innovative businesses and entrepreneurship.

However, and in order to ensure these types of professionals to become available a clear specification of the type of skills and competences required and strengthened needs to be undertaken including a clear target definition of what is to be achieved. This requires close and continuous collaboration between different stakeholders in the definition and specification phase and (ICT) industry and the education sector to ensure its continuous development and provision. ...

1. Recommendation 1: Continue with focused activities to fill well identified gaps and further support the improvement of e-skills for competitiveness and innovation among the European workforce to match requirements emerging from new developments in the ICT area and industry and social demands.
2. Recommendation 2: Encourage and support all Member States in the development of their long-term e-skills strategy. This could be done through the use of different tools including an online knowledge base of good practices of Member States initiatives.
3. Recommendation 3: Increase the scale and reinforce the sustainability of e-skills and digital literacy activities as well as the visibility of the activities and initiatives started and of the results achieved.
4. Recommendation 4: Coordinate better skills, e-skills and innovation, employment, digital and media literacy related activities at European level (and between the relevant EC services and national Ministries) to achieve greater impact.

From: Final Report: Evaluation of the implementation of the European Commission's Communication on e-Skills for the 21st Century, TOBIAS HÜSING and WERNER B. KORTE for the European Commission and the European e-Skills Steering Committee, October 2010

was released October 2010.

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