Saturday, December 04, 2010

Electronic Document and Records Management

Here is my attempted buzzword enriched rewrite of the description of the course COMP7420 Electronic Data Management.

Some proposed changes:
  1. Course title: change to "Electronic Document and Records Management": the rationale for this is that "Electronic Data Management" is associated with the more techical aspects of the use of database systems. The EDRM term is more broadly applicable and of wide interest.
  2. Course Description: Remove mention of e-libraries, as librarians have not shown interest in the course.
  3. De-emphasise the technical: XML, XHTML HTML stuff: the students will still be doing it, but I will ease them into it gradually.
  4. Learning Outcomes: Remove all but one of the "describe" objectives and add an "evaluate" learning objective to make it higher order.
  5. Indicative Assessment: Replace the online quizzes and examination with a second assignment. Increase the Online Discussion from 20 to 24%. I am proposing to change the assessment method as it suits the material and also because I am confident in using the same assessment methods as for the Green ICT course. The forums and work based assignments worked particularly well with public servant students.
Some remaining questions:
  1. Recommended Courses: At present it says: "Ability to use a computer. Experience in document use in the workplace.". That is a bit vague. Are there any formal definitions for these used by educators? For example for computer skills, I could specify the equivalent of International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) Certification, but would anyone know what that is?
  2. Are there standard descriptions of workplace related study?
Also I have been invited along to meet the people doing Government 2.0 in the Commonwealth Government. I will see what suggestions they have.

Electronic Document and Records Management COMP7420 - Details

Offered By: School of Computer Science
Academic Career: Graduate Coursework
Course Subject: Computer Science
Offered in: Summer Session, 2011
Unit Value: 3 units
Course Description: Government 2.0/Web 2.0, open access and social networking have created a demand for rapid access to information and greater involvement in the decision making of government, commercial and not-for-profit organisations. Smart phones and tablet computers using wireless networks allow mobile access to cloud computing resources world wide. This poses a challenge for organisations to provide access and input, while maintaining the security and integrity of records, the privacy of personal information. This course investigates how traditional records management techniques and document formats have been adapted to the Internet era.
The use of web technology for practical e-commerce and e-publishing applications is emphasised using case studies, standards and guidelines of real organisations . Emphasis is placed on the information needs of the Australian Public Service, but is also applicable to the private sector. Identifying steps that can be taken to accelerate the uptake of electronic documents by government, in conjunction with small and medium-sized enterprises, this course enables the participant to learn practical skills for incorporating e-commerce into their organisation. The focus is on document representation, knowledge discovery, storage and retrieval. The areas covered include requirements, XML, XHTML, HTML metadata, data management.
More information is on the course web page:

This course is offered subject to sufficient enrolments .
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following:
  1. Describe the use of electronic documents, the recordkeeping framework, processes and systems in an organisation (SFIA Level 3).
  2. Evaluate options and make recommendations for the use of electronic documents, recordkeeping frameworks, processes and systems in an organisation (SFIA Level 5).
Indicative Assessment:
  • 24% Contributions to the 6 weekly discussion forums
  • 76% Two assignments, due in weeks three and six, 38% each.
Course Classification(s): Transitional courses are designed for students from a broad range of backgrounds and learning achievements, which provide for the acquisition of generic skills; or an informed understanding of contemporary issues; or fundamental knowledge for transition to Advanced or Specialist courses.
Areas of Interest: Business Information Systems, Computer Science, and Information Technology
An undergraduate degree

Recommended Courses: Ability to use a computer. Experience in document use in the workplace.
Consent Required: Consent is required prior to enrolling in this course.
Technology Requirements: Access to computer and Internet
Academic Contact: tom.worthington(a)

1 comment:

  1. My proposed changes to the description of the course Electronic Data Management COMP7420 were approved. There were some minor changes to improve the readability.
