Friday, July 23, 2010

Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010

I will be speaking at "Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010" in Sydney on 9 September 2010. My talk is on using mobiles and the cloud for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including how to use iPhones, iPads, Google Android and the cloud for teaching professionals. There are also workshops and an exhibition. From the draft program:

Day one Thursday 9th September: Conference

9.00 Opening remarks from the Chair

Opening Address: Privacy and the Cloud

9.10 Privacy and the cloud – Government strategies for public privacy and data security

  • Understand the privacy and security issues with cloud computing
  • Why the transborder nature of cloud computing services creates several privacy challenges
  • How to ensure collection and handling of personal information using 'cloud computing services' continues to meet the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act
  • Future challenges and regulatory requirements as cloud computing grows

Andrew Solomon, Director Policy, Office of the Privacy Commissioner

Keynote Address: Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

9.40 Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

Cloud Computing offers unprecedented advantages: flexibility, small or no Capex, faster time to market. But what is, essentially, Cloud Computing? How can we define it? How can we take advantage of it? This presentation will cover the essential features of any Cloud Platform, as well as explain the details of Amazon Web Services. It will explain why the enterprise world is so interested in Cloud Computing, and how the financial sector too can take advantage of it.

Simone Brunozzi, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services Asia Pacific (APAC)

10.25 Morning tea & coffee break and exhibition viewing

Keynote Address: Cloud Computing in Government

10.55 Potential of cloud computing in government

  • Assessing current and future capabilities of cloud computing and its potential role in government
  • What are the concerns and challenges for cloud computing in a government organisation?
  • Can there be shared services in a whole of government cloud?
  • Managing intergovernmental data sharing through cloud computing
  • Understanding the security and privacy issues
  • Assessing the benefits of cloud computing for government organisations
  • What is the next step in developing a government cloud?
Yusuf J. Mansuri, First Assistant Secretary, ICT Strategic & Corporate Services Division, Department of Human Services

Case Study: Moving Enterprise into the Cloud

11.25 Moving enterprise IT into the cloud

  • Understanding the objectives of the transition to cloud computing
  • What are the challenges?
  • Identifying a strategy and processes to ensure a smooth transition
  • Understanding the security issues and how they are overcome
  • Assessing the benefits and results

Alan Perkins, Chief Information Officer, Altium Limited

Contracting for Cloud Computing

11.55 Contract Requirements and Readiness for Cloud Computing

  • Setting the agenda for negotiation
  • Understanding the contractual terms required
  • Importance of periodic reporting by the cloud supplier
  • Getting and maintaining assurances for auditing purposes
  • How to eliminate; manage and mitigate risks
  • Ensuring awareness of, and how to negotiate where you data is stored
  • Identifying who should contract for cloud computing services
  • Negotiating and agreeing terms
  • Negotiating service level agreements
  • Post contract considerations and how to manage your cloud provider

Nick Abrahams, Norton Rose Australia

Cloud Computing Services at an Enterprise Level

12.25 Strategies to Increase the uptake of cloud services at an enterprise level

  • Defining service level agreements for cloud computing
  • Requirements for setting of open standards and getting alignment across the industry
  • Challenges of defining and setting open standards
  • How to ensure the industry drives the standard
  • Identifying and setting common product definitions, addressing cloud security issues, investigating interoperability, data portability and APIs, and exploring federated cloud stores

Michael Lawrey, Executive director, Network and Technology Division, Telstra

12.55 Lunch and exhibition viewing

Cloud Computing Security

1.55 Security and the cloud

  • Understanding the security concerns with cloud computing
  • public cloud
  • private cloud
  • How can you ensure that a public cloud providers’ infrastructure is secure?
  • Can security be improved by the centralisation of data?
  • What are the concerns of loss of control over certain sensitive data?
  • Can security-as-a-service options provide adequate protection?

Keith Price, National Director, Australian Information Security Association

Harnessing the Power of Cloud Computing at Enterprise Level

2.25 Google: Innovating Collaboration: Cloud Computing and the Enterprise

Today's leading global enterprises seek innovative ways to empower employees to collaborate effectively, and the ongoing revolution in cloud computing enables these businesses to deliver high impact solutions while reducing IT management costs. Join Google to learn how businesses have harnessed the power of these technologies, and how your organization can benefit from the constant innovations in the cloud.

Simon Capel, Enterprise Sales Manager, Google Australia

2.55 Challenges that the IT industry faces in Cloud Computing take-up

Ian Birks, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Information Industry Association

3.25 Afternoon tea & coffee break and exhibition viewing

Potential of Cloud Computing

3.55 Head in the Cloud, Feet on the Ground: A Pragmatic View of The Cloud

Gianpaolo Carraro, Developer and Platform Evangelism Director, Microsoft

4.25 Presentation TBA

Tom Worthington, Programme Development, Australian Computer Society

Best Practise Data Management in the Cloud

4.55 Application of best practice data management techniques to cloud services

  • Understanding issues and concerns of data management in the cloud
  • Importance of data integrity
  • Development of service level agreements
  • Maintaining clarity of YOUR residual management responsibilities
  • Future challenges and opportunities

Danny Davis, Chief Executive Officer, CIO Institute of Australia

Panel Session

5.25 Panel session: Organisational requirements and concerns for cloud computing

  • Defining cloud computing
  • What are the current shortfalls?
  • Understand the issues for data sovereignty and security and what data can be hosted overseas
  • How to ensure: abdication; validation; security; back up; and recovery
  • Challenges in systems management and linking cloud resources with internal cores systems
  • Utilising hosted services and pilot services
  • Strategies for going from software-as-a-service to a true virtual cloud
  • How long until we get to the next concept in cloud computing?
  • Assessing the benefits of cloud computing

Panellists TBA

5.55 Closing remarks from the Chair

6.00 Networking drinks reception

Day two Friday 10th September:

Half Day Workshop

Demystifying the Amazon Web Services Cloud


9.00 Morning registration and welcome tea and coffee

9.30 Commencement of workshop

11.00 Tea and coffee break

1.00 Close of workshop

About the workshop

Whether you're a developer eager to learn new skills, a solution architect that wants to expand the horizon of his customers, the CTO that wants to bring innovation to their startup or large enterprise, a professor or researcher that wants to tap into the vast computing resources made available by Amazon Web Services, this workshop is for you: no manuals can substitute for direct experience, and provide the stimulus to learn more.

Join Simone Brunozzi, the leading AWS Technology Evangelist in APAC for this hands-on workshop where you will:
  • Learn hands-on tricks of managing an AWS cloud
  • Understand the AWS economic advantages and how they can drive highly scalable, available and redundant technical solutions
  • Gain exposure to informative AWS case studies
  • Participate in hands on labs where the following AWS services will be explored: EC2, S3, CloudFront, RDS, Elastic MapReduce
  • Configure an example of auto-scaling web infrastructure solution

Senior Infrastructure Engineers, Senior Systems administrators, Solution Architects, Infrastructure Aware Developers, Researchers, and other advanced Technical people.

Expected Competencies Include: Basic understanding of server virtualization, Basic linux skills (ssh, package mangement, etc), Basic understanding of server storage (block devices vs object stores), Awareness of internet architectures. There are strictly enforced prerequisites for attending this workshop.

Workshop Program: The workshop is divided into two sessions: the first one explains the Cloud Computing paradigm and the economic benefits of using it, and then provides real world examples of companies that are successfully using the Cloud. The second session is a hands-on training on the most important services.


  • Welcome and presentations
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing, the economic business model of AWS Success stories
  • Brief Q&A session
  • Hands on setup
  • Amazon S3: how it works, how to use S3Fox to upload/delete/update files
  • From S3 to CloudFront: create content distributions and test performances Break
  • Amazon EC2 basics: instance types, Operating Systems, APIs, AMIs, Regions, Availability Zones, Elastic IPs, common scenarios
  • Brief Q&A session
  • Running a Web Server on Amazon EC2: choose an AMI, launch it, log in, install Apache, configure it, run it using an Elastic IP, test it.
  • Amazon EBS: how to create and manage it, how to benefit from it.
  • Auto-Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, CloudWatch with Amazon EC2: creating an automated, self-healing cluster of machines
  • Running Hadoop using Elastic Mapreduce, starting the cluster on a sample data set with a simple script.
  • Final Q&A session

For more information on AWS, please visit

Prerequisites for Attendees

Attendees are required to fulfill the following prerequisites:

  1. Have an active AWS account, with active subscription to the following services: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, CloudFront, Amazon RDS, Elastic MapReduce.
  2. A laptop with Linux/MacOS/Windows and internet connection, or WiFi enabled.
  3. Firefox browser installed, version 3.6 or above.
  4. API tools installed:

Your workshop leader:

Simone Brunozzi, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services Asia Pacific (APAC) ...

From: "Cloud Computing Conference and Expo 2010", Active Business Communications, 2010

1 comment:

  1. A draft of my talk Mobility, Cloud Computing and Green IT For Cloud Computing Conference and Expo, Sydney, 9 September 2010 is avialable for comment.
