Saturday, July 31, 2010

2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report

The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report was released today. It happens that I was at the APCOA conference on emergency communications, speaking on the use of the Internet in bushfires, during the fires (I was contacted by the royal commission staff ). The commission has done a reasonable job of considering the use of the Internet and many of the interim recommendations have been implemented already.

The commission has released the report in three formats: Interactive version (HTML with hyperlinks to evidence), Print friendly version (PDF with lower resolution images), High resolution version (PDF version used for the print edition). The report is divided into four sections, with a HTML and two PDF versions for each. Unfortunately the commission has not provided a simple way to navigate the report, with no consolidated table of contents linked to the sections of the report. The most useful version is HTML, so I have created a consolidated table of contents for that version:

2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report

Consolidated table of contents


  1. This is a great resource Tom, thanks alot. I will try to spread the word.
