The Gallery of Australian Design opened in Canberra 22 May 2009 in Canberra, with two exhibitions sponsored by the Goethe Institute: Stadt und Haus - New Architecture from Berlin and Far Away so Close (photographs) until June 20. The gallery is at Commonwealth Place, Parkes and open Wednesday to Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm.
In a case of life imitating art, the gallery is in one of the buildings featured in the Australian TV comedy The Hollowmen. In series 2, episode 2 of the series, "Edifice Complex", a fictional Prime Minister wants an arts building named after him. As Canberra is already over catered with art galleries, a permanent building for temporary art exhibitions is decided on. The German term for such a building is used and much fun is had over the pretensions of German architects. The building the real Gallery of Australian Design is in is featured in the program.
The Gallery of Australian Design now has a web site at: