Thursday, August 21, 2008

University of Canberra moves to Moodle

Allan Christie from Netspot sent me a copy of their "Moodle & Sakai News for Enterprise-Level Education", which has a few interesting items on Australian universities working with e-learning products. They point out that University of Canberra has decided to replace Web CT with Moodle. and USQ is using Wimba with Moodle.

Replacing Web CT with Moodle is a sensible move, but a difficult one (apart from the technical changes, Moodle looks less glossy than Web CT). I am not sure how much integration would be needed, or possible between Wimba and Moodle, as
Wimba is a real time audio, video application and Moodle is a mostly text based stored message sort of application. Apart from just having a hypertext link to start up Wimba from within Moodle, I am not sure what other integration would be needed, or possible.


  1. hi Tom,
    readers of your blog can visit to learn more about the Moodle module for Wimba. There's a recorded demo via this link. NetSpot as a Moodle partner works with Wimba to maintain the integration and would be happy to support any organisation seeking to investigate the possibility.
    Kind Regards,
    Steve Watt

  2. Hi Tom, the Wimba link in your post is broken.

  3. James Neill said August 31, 2008 6:49 AM:

    Hi Tom, the Wimba link in your post is broken.

    Sorry, fixed now: Wimba.
