Thursday, July 11, 2013

Technology Outlook for Australian Tertiary Education 2013-2018

The report "Technology Outlook for Australian Tertiary Education 2013-2018" (Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Freeman, A., Ifenthaler, D., and Vardaxis, N., 2013) was produced by New Media Consortium (NMC) and
Open Universities Australia. I found their short term topics of most interest. But in all of this I suspect the technology which will have most impact is the use of relatively conventional small scale, closed on-line learning for teaching teachers how to teach.

  • One Year or Less:
    1. Learning Analytics,
    2. Massive Open Online Courses,
    3. Mobile Learning
    4. Social Media
  • Two to Three Years:
    1. 3D Printing
    2. Badges
    3. Information Visualisation
    4. Location-Based Services
  • Four to Five Years:
    1. Flexible Displays
    2. The Internet of Things
    3. Virtual and Remote Laboratories
    4. Wearable Technology

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